The holidays don’t need to be stressful events that max out your credit cards, monopolize your time, and put you in a pressure cooker of family tension. Stress Free Holidays: Bring Back Joy & Peace is a Mamaguru Guide to help you recapture the joy and peace of the holiday season. I’m so excited to share this with you, dear readers! This book explains how to incorporate mindfulness into holiday celebrations, as well as offering a host of practical tips and holiday hacks to make the season run smoothly.
A few years ago, I noticed a shift in my experience of the holidays. I went from feeling flooded with magic to being overwhelmed and exhausted. I faked a smile because I really wanted to create magical memories for my children, but I knew in my heart that something was wrong. It was just too much work and not enough fun.
I put my nose to the grindstone and figured out how to streamline and organize everything related to the holidays. I amassed holiday tips galore! That helped, but it wasn’t enough. Something was still missing. You know what it was? Mindfulness! Our consumerist culture amps up to a frenzy during the holidays and in the midst of that chaos, I had lost touch with meaning. I was grateful, but my gratitude was more circumstantial and surface-level. What I needed was to stay connected to my true self and the Divine. I needed to live in the moment, rather rushing through them all in a flurry of busyness.
That became the heart of my book. Stress Free Holidays: Bring Back Joy & Peace offers both the organization and holiday tips that reduce stress, but it also offers help nurturing your spirit and creating meaning. This book goes further than simply reducing stress; it fans the flames of happiness and joy!
Included in this book are The Great Holiday To Do List, a doable diet plan to avoid seasonal weight gain, and even a primer on meditation. It addresses budgets, health, perfectionism, family life, stress, organization, and infusing meaning into the holidays. It’s promise is simple, but vital: to bring joy back into the holidays by cultivating a bit of inner peace.
Stress Free Holidays
♥ Create Meaning
♥ Balanced Budget
♥ Sanity Diet & Fitness Plan
♥ Cultivate Gratitude
♥ Keep Organized
♥ Holiday Hacks
♥ Calm Family Tension
♥ Prioritize Self Care
The links in this post are affiliate, meaning I get a commission off of selling my book. It seems silly to mention, but I must in order to comply with the FCC.
To get the greatest benefit, I urge you to buy the book now, at the beginning of the holiday season. Please share this with your friends, because the more people we can get to celebrate stress free holidays, the more joy and peace we will all have for this blessed season.
You can find Stress Free Holidays: Bring Back Joy & Peace on amazon, Barnes & Nobles and Smashwords.
A balanced budget has helped create total peace in my home this holiday season. It’s work so great!
Great post-
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, Heather! In my book I explain how to make the holidays what you want them to be. If you are a faithful person, there are some important things you can do to shift the focus of the holidays onto Jesus’ birth.
Absolutely, Tommie. The holidays are what we make them: stressful or peaceful, overwhelming or brimming with joy.
I’m so happy to hear that, Justine! We have the power to shape our holidays and mindlessly following current cultural trends doesn’t seem to serve anyone but large corporations.
Wonderful, Rebekah!
You’re right, Bethany. We really need to change that. It’s supposed to be a happy time.
This is great stuff! We always are big stress balls during the holidays.
What a great resource! Thanks for pulling it all together. I’ve got to check it out now!
We decided a few years ago to stop buying into the madness of Christmas and it has really helped us all to enjoy it more. You’ve posted some more great ideas – thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing these tips. It seems like every year just gets more and more hectic. This holiday season will be different!
This is genius!
Love this! 🙂
Great post!! It;s a must or the holidays season will lost it true meaning!
I am a pretty chill mama, I dont want to spend the holidays stressed, so it’s never perfect, but always is….
Yes, let’s remember the point of Christmas–joy coming from Jesus’ birth! We can’t let stress strip that away.
This book was fantastic in breaking down the reasons that we let joy slip away during the holidays! I highly recommend it to other readers!
Awesome post! I love a meaningful Christmas. 🙂
I am definitely creating a budget this year. It will help a lot with planning
Oh Jessica, that’s the teacher’s curse, isn’t it? Glad I was able to give you a reminder. We all need those. 🙂
I hope so too, Cait!! It sounds like you are experiencing exactly what I did a few years ago. Please consider getting my book, Stress Free Holidays: Bring Back Joy & Peace, because I go into so much depth and detail. i wish I could fit it all here on the blog, but it’s just too. much. Take care!!
It’s so funny! I have been working hard on teaching my students mindfulness, that I forget to spend time reflecting on myself.
Thank you for sharing these great tips. Seems like every year I add more and more to my “Christmas To-Do List”, which only serves to add to my stress level, while reducing my enjoyment of the holiday. This year, I’m vowing to do things differently, and these tips will help!
Such an mportant topic to bring back to the forefront of our traditions
Your book looks great! The holidays can be so stressful–the opposite of what they should be. Thanks for sharing!
That’s so beautiful, Lauren! Thanks for sharing those words, a clear mind and an open heart! I love it!!
Thanks, JoJo!! We all do!
Yes, Melissa! It really helps to take a few moments before the holidays are in full swing to invite mindfulness into your experience.
You’re right, Jen! And then we end up feeling lost and a bit sad. That’s no way to celebrate!
You are right, Jazz! It’s heartbreaking, isn’t it? And yet, we have the power to transform our experience and recapture meaning!
Then that’s my wish for you Jen! Happy, joyful, peaceful, stress free holidays!
That’s my mission, Lucretia! thanks for your support!!
Taking the stress out of holidays allows you to enjoy them once more, a great read thank you!
You are right one with this! Perfection doesn’t make you happy. Love the idea of a stress free and mindful holiday!
This is so great. It’s way too common that people get caught up in stress these days and forget the meaning of Christmas!
This seems very helpful! It can be so easy to get caught up in the holidays and lose sight of so many personal things.
The Holidays can be stressful but I try to make it as stress free as possible! I just love the magic of the season!
Sounds wonderful, the holidays can be very stressful.
Gosh the holidays are so stressful. This is a great reminder to take a step back and remember what it’s really about
Awesome! I love a meaningful Christmas!
Great post! It’s definitely so important to keep your mind clear and your heart open during the season!