Inspired by our Sistine Chapel project, I’ve given the boys more interesting and directed art projects. Sure, it fun to just go wild and be creative, but I sensed that my little ones needed a little direction to move beyond scribbles and splashes. We’ve started doing still life paintings, and they love them.
How to Teach Still Life Painting to Preschoolers
1. Look at pictures of still life paintings, so children can see a variety of artists’ work.
2. Create a simple tableau, like a bowl of fruit or a vase of flowers. Limit the colors to 2-3 in the beginning.
3. Demonstrate sketching in pencil and then painting a still life, talking about the shapes and colors you see. Make some mistakes and incorporate them into your piece.
4. Give your child paper, a pencil, and paints (watercolors are best in the beginning) after they’ve seen you do it. Encourage him to keep at his work even with mistakes. Once his masterpiece is created, have him sign it with either his whole name or just the first letter of his name. Praise. Praise. Praise.
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