Yesterday my mother called to tell me that three inches of snow fell overnight.
Her corner of earth was positively magical. The snow reflected a nearly full moon and took the darkness straight out of night. The luminous blanket hushed the world and oddly made the twenty degrees warmer. Instantly I recollected the particular silence of snow, and all those hours I spent lying on a snow bank looking up to look within. I was never cold, until I rose and broke the spell.
I should mention, I was wearing a bikini when she called.
It was 84°, sunny with a breeze. I was lollygagging on one of the most famous beaches in the world: South Beach. I dawdled along the shoreline watching the wet sand mirror back a blinding sun until a wave crashed and its ripples split the light into dazzling fractals. The breaking and solidifying of light repeated endlessly as the turquoise waters blew in on rip tides from Africa. Here and there, scattered along the beach, purple jellyfish broke the pattern.
What I love most in this world… what sends my heart a-spinning… is that we were both right.
The weather is perfect— I wish you were here!
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