I can’t wait until April!
I’ve been saying this for a few weeks. It’s usually followed by the ubiquitous, “Why? What’s happening in April?”
“Nothing,” I grin. “Nothing at all.”
The farmer’s market where I sell artisan bread has closed for the season, freeing up Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. There isn’t a major holiday, birthday, or event on my calendar. It’s wide open.
Except, I already filled it.
Me. Me. Me. Me…..
Every so often life gets a little out of control. One thing after another pops up, distractions abound. Mothers are particularly susceptible to this: the new routine when school starts, Hallowgivingmas, a rash of birthdays. Our lives are very subtly and then very suddenly taken over by outside forces. There isn’t a way to completely avoid it; it’s just the flow of life.
But every so often it is time to build a dam.
Stop the energy from leaving and bring it back to the center. I’m speaking in abstract terms because this resonates on all levels: on a spiritual plane, wellness in the body, spring cleaning, and taking a little personal time.
Spring is naturally the season of new life, which is even more relevant in our breathlessly busy culture. This is the time to rejuvenate our lives.
Summer will be upon us before know it with vacations, day camps, activities and a flurry of motion. Super fun, but moms play the perpetual planner, the lifeguard, the tour guide. It is exhausting. After that we delve into the back to school crunch, followed by The Holidays, and then
Spring again.
T.S. Elliot famously called it out as the cruelest month in his poem, The Wasteland.
What did he know?
The trees are in bloom. The birds are chirping.
A fresh start comes from within.
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