Here are most of my resolutions for the upcoming year in no particular order.
1. Raise money and awareness to fight childhood hunger.
2. Learn how to bake really good artisan breads.
3. Get a book contract.
4. Enroll the boys in swim lessons.
5. Join a book club.
6. Deepen my practice of yoga.
7. Learn how to apply false eyelashes.
8. Make more friends.
9. Master the beurre blanc.
10. Maintain a pedicure all year.
11. Cook a whole fish.
12. Learn more about wine and host a wine party.
13. Re-establish and maintain a great exercise program.
14. Make a profit from mamaguru.
15. Romance hubby more.
16. By the end of March have a body that is completely in shape.
17. Begin public speaking.
18. Improve photography skills.
19. Learn how to use hot rollers in a snap.
20. Experiment with a flat iron.
21. Take boys to the zoo.
22. Get really good at throwing out stuff I no longer need.
23. Order our wedding album.
24. Celebrate my 11-11-11 birthday fabulously.
25. Go somewhere new.
26. Whiten teeth.
27. Visit wonderful galleries and museums (at least 4x).
28. Get a sophisticated wardrobe.
29. See sunrise over the ocean at least 6 times.
30. Make that fabulous dessert recipe from Bon Appetite I’ve been holding onto for 6 years.
31. Take oragainzation to the next level.
32. Start ___________, so I can _________________. Come one, I have to keep a few surprises to myself.
33. Keep fresh herbs in home at all times, preferably alive on my window sill and in my garden.
34. Write a poem I love.
35. Read more Louis Glück.
36. Develop and follow through with a great marketing campaign for mamaguru.
37. Parler français plus bien. (I suspect there’s an error or two there.)
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