Can’t decide which scene is my favorite today.
1. Max’s first act of generosity: excitedly giving his friend a balloon on her birthday. I wasn’t sure how he would react to giving it away. When their car pulled up, he grabbed the balloon and ran towards her shouting, “I BALLOON TO YOU!”
2. On our evening walk we pointed out all the animals we saw. When we saw a cat, Max blew it kisses. A block later we saw a dog and Max eagerly told him, “Hey Dog, I go see the cat there.” The dog was also blown kisses and got two hands of waving from a happy Jack.
3. Dad didn’t make it home for dinner, so I put him on speakerphone. For the first time Max actually spoke to the phone. “I eat truck pasta.” “Dog poop. I see the dog poop.” That was another exciting moment from our walk. I know it’s poop, but I was touched because here he was telling his Daddy the cool thing that happened during his day.
So, any favorites?
Numero 1 of course!!!