Finally! After waiting and waiting my kids are just beginning to hit the funny talking stage of life. Up until now their cuteness was wrapped up in their bodies, but now they’re sharing it with the world. Here’s a taste, although I can’t wait to see what’s to come…
Jack (14 months) throwing a teething tantrum.
Max (36 months) turns to me and says, “What’s up with Jack?”
Jack opens a book to the lion page bravely puts his face an inch away from the jungle king’s mug and goes,”ROAR!”
In the bathtub…
Max toots big bubbles.
Mama, “Max, you tooted.”
Max, “I no toot. Jack toot!” He points the accusing finger at his brother.
Mama, “Max, you tooted. Jack did not toot.”
Max, insisting, “I no toot! Jack toot!”
Mama, “Jack did not toot.”
Max matter-of-factly picking up a toy and pointing, “This fish DID toot.”
Max’s first sentence, “No, Jack.”
Jack’s first sentence, “Hi Mom!”
Max, “Jack, no this-a-way. Go this-a-way.”
At the dinner table…
Dad toots.
Max, holding his scrunched up nose, “Peeuuw, Dad!”
Mama, holding her scrunched up nose, “PEEUUW, Dad!”
Dad turns to Jack for an ally.
Jack scrunches his nose and blow his lips in disgust.
When we read stories, without prompting, they kiss the pages they love.
Max: trucks, animals, the moon. His toy cat kisses all the kittens in the story.
Jack: animals and one particular teddy bear.
One night, as I switching off the light for bedtime, Max’s voice ran out clear as day, “I love mom!”
One day, after Dad was already a block away, Max waved his hand bye-bye and said, “Bye, Dad. I love you.”
How funny! First words give us a long-awaited window into their thoughts. I think you are going to be laughing a lot!