An unexpected loss on Internet has plagued mamaguru this week.
This unexpected vacation hasn’t felt like one at all. I have been fielding questions right and left from my kiddos. It is safe to say their school is inspiring.
From Max (5) and Jack (4):
What?! You didn’t grow Daddy in your body?
People can’t see when they’re dead, so do they walk around Heaven blind, saying, “Where’s my cat? Where’s my cat?”
Does it hurt to have a baby in a mommy’s body?
How does the mommy’s body make the eyes and bones?
What does a baby see inside a mommy’s body?
How does a baby eat inside of a mommy’s body?
Mom, were you a kid? Yes. When? A long time ago. What, like 100 days ago?
I get 100 more birthdays, right?
Why do I have to pee in the morning when I didn’t drink all night?
Of course my teacher is a mommy! What? Do you think she’s a boy?
Will you marry me?
Jack, upon seeing him look at a book during Quiet Time:
Jack, are you reading?
No, Mom. I don’t know how to read, so I am just singing.
Jack, playing with cars:
I am 18.
Oh? asks another voice with extreme interest. Are you a 1 and an 8?
Yes, I am.
Snapshots of Max this week:
He sings his heart out every chance he gets. My sister gave us the Wee Sing Halloween CD. I’m not sure if it was meant to torture me or delight her nephews; it has accomplished both. Max sings every song with expression, animation, and inflection. He has adopted the habit of singing while still trying to figure out the lyrics. He does all of this with a grin of utter joy. This little boy looks exactly like his father, but in these moments I see myself as a little girl. Such a surprise!
I lay down next to Max in bed every night for a few minutes. His tight lips finally loosen, and he confesses his day. This week he spoke to me with his hands. He can say every animal in sign language. The dim glow of the nightlight illuminates his hands as he tells me, cow, snake, monkey….
I am enraptured the same way I was when he first babbled, moo, ssss, oo-oo-ee-ee….
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