When I was a little girl I spent hours pouring over a book titled, Animals That Hide.
Each page showed animals camouflaged in their natural habitats. Everytime I cracked it open I would futiley hope that I wouldn’t know where the animal was hiding. The initial act of discovery was such a thrill, I yearned to repeat it. My subsequent readings were all bittersweet, remembering that first sensation and yet never able to have it again.
So many great books are that way, aren’t they?
The good thing is, I have put decades and a mommy brain between myself and those cleverly hidden animal books. It takes all the restraint I can muster to not eagerly point out the animals to the boys when I spy them first. I’ve said it before, but I really believe the childhood you get to enjoy is not your own which was fraught with confusion and uncertainty; it’s your child’s which you can observe with tranquil delight.
I snapped this picture at our Mommy and Me Class at the Miami Seaquarium, because a fish that looks like a rock never gets old.
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