Make your own DIY Felt Roses wit this simple and straightforward tutorial. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to break out the glue gun and get crafting. There is no sewing involved in this project. Yay! Felt Roses are so sweet and versatile. I’ve seen them adorn headbands, bags, and scarves for years, but never knew how simple they were to make. You can use these to add charm to anything, but I especially like them on a sweet little Valentine’s Day wreath. They are so lovely and elegant that nobody would guess how easy they are to make.
Felt is one of my favorite materials to work with because you don’t need to sew the edges. You can also manipulate it in your hands to stretch it out and add some body to it. I highly recommend that you experiment by playing a little with this creation, because felt is such a malleable fabric. It’s also so inexpensive that it doesn’t matter if you end up wasting some.
DIY Felt Roses Materials Needed
felt (any color you like)
sharp scissors
a dab of hot glue or a fabric glue
1. Cut an oval shape out of felt using a wavy line. It doesn’t matter what size.
2. Cut a wavy spiral through the oval. The wavy line add variation to the petals.
3. Starting with the center, tightly wrap the wavy strip of felt around in a circle.
4. Felt sticks together, but secure the last petal and the back with glue to set it in place. You can also glue the back to a small circle of felt.
That’s it! Easy-peasy, right? These can be used to decorate not only accessories, but also gift boxes and home decor. You can really go wild with them if you want! Here’s the Valentine’s Day wreath I made my with mine.
The rose came out beautiful! The wreath even more so! I love it!
This is amazing!!! love it
How cute are these?! And I think I could actually do them. Bonus 🙂
These are so cute! There are so many ways I could use these!
How cool! You make it look so easy!
So pretty and festive! A fun valentines decoration project!
I think this craft-challenged gal could do this one!
So cute! I want to make that wreath!
Those look so great for how incredibly simple they are to make. Great project, thanks for sharing!
Such great idea. So creative.
So so cute! I’ve been thinking so much about spring lately and this is a great project!
Thank you, Tineke! I can do the easy stuff!
This is so cute!! You´re so creative girl!
Aaaw, how beautiful!!!