Baby’s Sweet Mango Lassi
Cuisine: Indian
  • 1 ripe mango
  • ¾ c plain yogurt
  • ⅛ t ground cardamon
  • 1 t agave nectar (optional)
  • 10 ice-cubes
  • water
  1. Peel and dice mango. Put mango in a blender. Add yogurt, cardamon and the ice cubes and blend until very smooth.
  2. Taste lassi. If it isn't sweet enough, add up to a teaspoon of agave nectar. This may not be necessary if mango is ripe enough.
  3. Decide if the thickness of the lassi will work for your baby. If it needs to be thinned out, add some water to to the mixture. Serve and enjoy. Leftovers can be stored for 2 days in the refrigerator.
Recipe by Mamaguru at