8 kalamata olives, pitted and quartered lengthwise
¼ c thinly sliced onion
1 c sliced crimini mushrooms
⅓ c shredded mozzarella cheese (optional, vegans leave it off)
1 leaf of kale sliced into fine ribbons
olive oil
sea salt (Black Hawaiian is the best, but that might be taking it too far.)
Preheat oven to 500° with a pizza stone in it. It is best to have it at this temperature for 20 minutes before cooking. If you don't have a pizza stone, put your baking sheet in the oven five minutes before putting your dough on it to create a shock of heat.
Roll out dough and place it on pizza paddle or hot baking sheet (careful!). Spread pesto all over the dough. Scatter garlic, preserved lemons, olives and onions evenly. Sprinkle half of the cheese on it. Add mushrooms. Drizzle with olive oil and season with sea salt and black pepper. Add the rest of the cheese. Sprinkle with kale. Drizzle with olive oil and season with sea salt and black pepper once more.
Bake for about 10 minutes with a watchful eye. Cheese should be melted, kale crisp and the dough should be nice and crusty. Cool on a wire rack so you don't lose crispness in the bottom crust. I served mine with a mango-cherry salad. Enjoy!
Recipe by Mamaguru at https://mamaguru.com/mushroom-kale-pizza/