Last night’s dinner was a party of three: Andres was working late. After Max plowed through his plantains, he was a bit sluggish about finishing the rest of his food. I try not to show how upset I am when he doesn’t eat, so in a really fun voice I animatedly described the process of digestion.
We put the food in our mouth-AHOHUMPH!-
Then it goes down, down, down into our tummy.
It makes us feel good.
Why, oh why didn’t I just stop there?
Then it goes down and comes out of our body as poop.
Hilarious! Max cracked up, and Jack, always keen for a laugh, joined him.
Mama, do more.
I repeated it. I repeated it. I repeated it. Did I mention I repeated it?
Sixteen times.
When I finally refused another encore, Max pointed to his bowl of rice and beans and declared,
This is poop! This is POOP! THIS IS POOP! THIS IS POOP!
The chef takes a bow.
What a riot! Your family cracks me up!