I have low expectations for the Fourth of July due to lifetime of lame tame summer holidays. Here in Miami the weather is usually awful, which isn’t upsetting, because that’s a rare exception to our usual sunshine. It’s hot, muggy and usually soggy, so we hesitate to plan big BBQs.
This year, however, I stumbled into perhaps the best Independence Day yet almost by accident. We visited my sister-in-law in the Florida Keys for a day, then participated in our town’s festivals. For those of you not familiar with Miami, let me explain. Miami Dade county is quite large, but it’s divided into lots of small towns. The actual city of Miami is very small, including Little Havana and some blocks dowtntown. I live in Miami Springs. It’s a centrally located town that’s 15 minutes to the beach, to downtown, to just about anything. It also has a really small town atmosphere. Manicured lawns, friendly smiles, slow drivers and great town festivals characterize our city. It’s a great spot for a family.

First boat ride goes like this: Jack falls asleep because this is supposed to be naptime. Max has a great time, but freaks out when he thinks another boat might pass us. Speed demon.

Car show in Miami Springs Sunday night. A thrill for boys who spend their days making car lots with their hot-wheels.
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